Ekphrastic Live Event and Brunch with Poets Chelsea Whitton and Matthew Yeager

Please join us this Sunday, November 22nd for brunch and special guests performance. We are delighted to present poets Chelsea Whitton and Mattew Yeager, honoring a centuries’ old tradition of ekphrastic poetry*

12pm – Reading by Chelsea Whitton and Matthew Yeager: New poems on Happenland.
Q&A with the poets and curator Eva Davidova may follow.

11am – 2pm – Brunch and exhibition talk. Children welcome—Explore the Augmented Reality app Pyrite, destroy digital images, and create virtual reality sculptures, while savoring grapes, oranges and bagels.)

*Ekphrasis or ecphrasis, from the Greek description of a work of art, possibly imaginary, produced as a rhetorical exercise; often used in adjectival form, ekphrastic. A graphic, often dramatic, description of a visual work of art. In ancient times, it referred to a description of any thing, person, or experience. The word comes from the Greek ek andphrasis, ‘out’ and ‘speak’ respectively, verb ekphrazein, to proclaim or call an inanimate object by name.
source: Wikipedia

Matthew Yeager’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Sixthfinch, Gulf Coast, Minnesota Review, Bat City Review, and elsewhere, as well as Best American Poetry 2005 and Best American Poetry 2010. His short film “A Big Ball of Foil in a Small NY Apartment” was an official selection at thirteen film festivals in 2009-2010, picking up three awards. Other distinctions include the Barthelme Prize in short prose and two MacDowell fellowships. The co-curator of the long running KGB Monday Night Poetry Series, his first book, Like That, will be out in Spring 2016 from Forklift Books.

Chelsea Whitton holds an MFA in Poetry from The New School and a BA in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina at Asheville. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in various print and online publications, including White Stag, Forklift Ohio, Sixth Finch, Bateau, and Cimarron Review. She lives in Ridgewood, Queens.